Thursday, January 29, 2009

Minus the first 2, Probably my most solid group of poems

So I kinda lied, I'm a poem short of what I thought my collection was (which was 21 poems) but either way, most of these are some of my recent stuff. Right now I like them a lot more than my older stuff but who knows? That may change in a few months or so. For some of the poems I've put down suggestions on songs that I felt enhanced their enjoyment. Hopefully you'll enjoy the music too.

Lost on this one way road called life

As I lie on my bed this night,
I realize how lost I am in life,
Dark clouds come and blur my sight,
The rain pours on, bringing a storm of strife,
Directed, Guided, Dictated all my life,
Oppressed, Restricted, with no choice,
Quieted, Molded, Shaped all my life,
No decisions, no freedom, no voice,
Now as this road reaches its next border,
I'm discovering myself, my voice, my mind,
Just as my life falls apart, leaving chaos and no order,
What a mess as I crash and careen into this bind,
Of this one way road called life,
Boxed in, closed off, spun out,
Leaving me with no direction, just strife,
I'm left alone, by myself, I Shout,
On this one way road, I am alone, I am lost,
On this one way road, why is it so hard to be found,
On this one way road, my body gives into the cold frost,
On this one way road, I am alone, scared, afraid to make a sound,

The End


We're Bound by love, Bound by hate,
Now its time to change the world before its too late,
We'r Bound by differences, Bound by ignorance,
Now its time to finally apply millienia of experience,
We're Bound by selfishness, Bound by greed,
Now its time to set the chained people free,
We're Chained by fear, Chained by sin,
Now Its time long overdue since Christ rose again,
Now Its time to raise our voices,
Now Its time to make our choices,
The masses have long been quiet,
Too long have the masses been on a diet,
Of lies, illusions and temptations,
Of glorious lives, cultures and nations,
When none of that even matters,
Because they've all led mankind to disasters,
HIV, AIDS and massacres,
Tell me why we go shopping instead of looking for cures?
No cures for cancer,
Spending money is the answer,
Wars, Genocides and the Holocaust,
Its time to change before all is lost,
To this day racism remains,
We haven't changed, its still here, do we have no shame?
Too content we remain,
Taking pleasure over pain,
So why don't we cope with our greed?
Instead of smoking up some weed,
Why do we try to numb the pain?
Finding a dealer to deal us some cocaine,
Why do people do meth?
When its surrounded with death?
Leave the drug dealer,
Go find yourself a healer,
Cause man needs to be healed,
The truth needs to be revealed,
That we're all the same,
That we share the same fears and pain,
That We all live, We all die,
So why do we turn the blind eye?
To the suffering of others,
When we put down the shutters,
That blind our eyes,
As we tell ourselves lies,
That everything's gonna be alright,
As long as I keep to myself and stay out of sight,
Because this world has nothing to do with me,
Because this isn't a world that I want to see,
But as this is being said,
Another kid ends up dead,
Lost to chaos and madness,
While his mother is left only grief and sadness,
The people stay quiet,
Just waiting to forget it,
As we remain silent in the darkest corners,
While another dead body is examined by the coroners,
So its time to make a change,
In this world that is so strange,
Because its long overdue,
And this change starts with you,

The End


I will be your spring to welcome you out of that cold winter,
But I know you will leave me for that happy summer,
But patiently I will stay here,
Vigilant and resolute without shedding a tear,
Knowing that I will only be a warm sight,
Whenever you are in need of flight,
From all the troubles you may face,
Because here with me you will always have a place,
Where you can forget and stay warm,
A place you can stay to weather the storm,
Because I am your spring after the winter,
To warm and melt away all feelings sad and bitter,
But that is all I am able to do for you,
Because you as well as I know too,
That there is someone out there for you,
In this world as vast as the great blue sea,
But alas I cannot help but feel saddened that it is not me,

The End


Countless nights with thoughts spent on you,
Always hoping you would think about me too,
Day by day, these thoughts and feelings growing,
Doubts beginning to grow with the fear of knowing,
That what I feel is unrequited love,
That my head is just up there above,
That cloud number nine,
Where everything is fine,
But I still hold on to that slim feeling of hope,
Because it's always better than having to cope,
With the hopelessness that I'll feel here all alone,
That cold feeling that can reach your bones,
And that fear has hidden the best of me,
The me that you will never see,
Because that fear has locked me away,
Silencing me and preventing me to say,
You're all I ever think about,
You're smile uplifts me when I'm down and out,
You're the light that brightens my day,
You make it feel like everything is going to be okay,
Because you're more than another girl,
To me you're becoming my world,
And its because of that I am scared,
That all those times we shared,
May have only meant something more to me,
And that you might actually be different from what I see,

The End

Looking at myself

Through my exterior, I'm seen as inferior,
Told to be disgusted at what I see in this mirror,
Someone the opposite of beautiful,
Someone who should have been mindful,
Of the foods that they eat,
So that the standards meet,
Of what is deemed to be attractive,
And not someone clearly inactive,
That's how my mind has been conditioned to think,
Of weight loss and exercise pushing me to the brink,
Causing depression and sadness,
Instilling, insanity and madness,
This condition has left my eyes blind,
To all the better qualities left behind,
That it's not just all about how someone looks,
That the body isn't supposed to be the hook,
To be someone who wants to be loved inside,
And not just another person to be shoved aside,
Because I am someone more than how I look,
So look beyond the cover of this book,
Maybe you'll find something more inside,
That beyond the looks there is another side,
To a person like me,
That there is more than what you see.

The End

Music Box

It's been awhile since the two of us have spoken,
One year and nine months since you left my heart broken,
But I just wanted to know if you still have that music box,
Because its song reminds me of the time that we've lost,
Those times when we used to laugh and have fun,
Those days walking hand in hand under the sun,
Those nights spent looking up at the moon,
Those moments by the beach at noon
Because those are the times I can't let go of,
Because you are my one and only love,
Since then I have honestly tried to forget,
But its not so easy when I've loved you since we met,
But I know you had to leave me that day,
I'm just sorry I didn't have anything to say,
Because I never wanted to let you go,
And I'm writing this now to let you know,
And hopefully you'll still have that music box,
To remember those times that we've lost,
Just know that I'll always be right here,
Day after day, month after month, year after year,

The End

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