Sunday, February 8, 2009

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Everyone has come to affiliate this saying with a lack of progress in their own personal lives but I had a thought about this saying and instead of being such a negative comment it is by far probably the most positive thing that can happen in your life. People get so caught up in their own personal lives that when they see themselves taking one step forward and then two steps back they can only help but feel frustrated for their lack of progress in life. However being put into that situation people get so caught up thinking about their own troubles that they can't stop and take a look around them. That frustration of what appears to be moving back instead of forward is what keeps people from seeing things beyond their own feet. When you feel like you're in this situation take a good long pause and look all around you. You'll see the larger picture that has been laid in front of you. You'll find that instead of blindly pushing on you were able to see that bigger picture that has brought out and that its not just you looking at that larger picture but that everyone else who was so caught up in trying to walk forward is there with you. When you all you see that larger picture you'll find that moving back is the best way to move forward.

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