Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Poems

Just an update on a few new poems I've written.

The Pledge
Fantasy or reality,
Things lost in my sanity,
Because there's something blinding my eyes,
Whether it be truth or lies,
It has taken on this name called love,
And it's something I know nothing of,
But it's something I've never felt before,
Like something that's been hidden behind a door,
But now there's someone in my life,
Someone there to be with me through strife,
To support me and keep me strong,
No matter what comes along,
And though I know not how long this will last,
And if it will be another regret in my past,
I will say this on this day,
I love you and I have nothing more to say.
The End

Inspired by Wall-E's desire to hold hands with Eve.

Holding Hands
I just want to hold your hand,
And maybe then I'll understand,
What it takes to be your man,
Just by being here offering what I can,
Though I know there's not much I can offer,
And sometimes I think I could be a bother,
All I can promise is that I'll be there,
So that you know that I do care,
And by holding your hand,
Maybe you'll come to understand,
That I'm not just another man,
That relationships are possible if you believe the words "Yes We Can".
The End

- Paolo Maquiraya 16/02/09

I know, the last one has an Obama reference in it. Yes, it does sound stupid but I thought it would have been fun to end it off like that.

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