Monday, February 9, 2009

Discovering and Wondering

I think young teens now rush too quickly into relationships. Now I'm not saying that in those situations it never works out, nothing is ever certain. What I am saying or in this case suggesting is that young teens take their time. I recently re-read a portion of this Japanese Manga (train_man Vol. 2 by Hidenori Hara, released by Viz Media) and there was some dialogue that I wholeheartedly agree with. Here is the exact quote from the volume:

"Here's what I think
It's most exciting before you know how each other feels.

You squeeze her hand and she squeezes back
Your eyes meet and she gives you a smile
You're always on the edge of your seat because you're not exactly sure how she feels
Those times are probably the most enjoyable

Unfortunately the character is unnamed and is just drawn as a nameless user on the 2Channel forum however I simply have to agree with what he says. Thinking back on all the girls that I've had a crush on and liked, the most happiest times for me were when I didn't know how they felt. It really was quite a roller coaster ride of thoughts and emotions during those times. Though regrettably none of those emotional pursuits ever went anywhere I always look back at those times and they always bring a smile to my face. Those times where you're discovering more and more about the person you like (whether it goes anywhere or not) are the times everyone should treasure and experience. I think that if people took more time going through all that people will find that right person. Nowadays I think young teens are too quick to pull the trigger and say they're a couple (boyfriend and girlfriend) and that they're dating. In my opinion its exactly that quick trigger relationship that leads to all the drama in their lives. The times may have changed but from this line:

"And Love - it remains the same"

(That line comes from an untitled poem by Tupac Shakur, The Rose That Grew From Concrete, MTV Books) Tupac says it always remains the same. Love will always remain the same so despite the way people go at love just appears to have changed it really hasn't. What people have done is go along with this world's life style of going at things faster. But love cannot be rushed and so I say to all the young teens to take it slow. There's no need to rush.

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