Monday, January 26, 2009

A Simple Urge

Hello all,

Now I've been thinking about doing a blog for quite a while now not only just to express myself but also to get some exposure for some of my writing. Now I for one know my writing itself is pretty amateurish and no where near as good as I possibly could make it however I still want it out there to be read. Now enough about that here is the earliest example of my attempts at writing poetry way back in my grade 9 year. Its quite old and unedited so this came straight from my head.

Most Beloved

In time this wound of mine will heal,
But what time can't erase is the pain I feel.
Ever since that day I've longed for your touch
Because I have thought of nothing but you so very much.
The first time we met,
All those events were set.
But I could never think of us as a couple,
All I could think about was me being a trouble.
To everyone you were the image of perfection,
And me being with you seemed like it needed a correction.
You were my most beloved
And to you I became devoted.
The feelings we shared
Could have never been compared.
I left you so you could find true happiness,
But my absence from you only left a hole filled with sadness.
To you I became so much more than a friend,
Till the day your time with me was at an end.
The short time we were able to have spent
Has now truly gone and went.
Everything you were to me is gone.
For your heart was something that I couldn't have won.
I was so weak,
But My heart was something you would always seek.
I made you wait for too long
While our tale played out like a sad song.
There was a wall between you and me,
So vast as the great blue sea.
And in the end I left you in the darkness
Because of my shear weakness.
You would never know my feelings for you
And so for all my faults this relationship can never start anew.
We parted ways in much pain
On a sad day when it began to rain.
This is what time can never truly heal.
The loss of a loved one is something I will always feel.
My Most Beloved.......................

The End

Hopefully you enjoyed what you read but I know first hand that it does sound corny. I'll admit that even I laughed while re-reading this poem. Still many of my friends enjoyed it and I'm happy they did. It was a nice feeling knowing that something I wrote made a few people happy and I can only hope it did the same for you.

Anyways that is it for now and I will be sure to upload more of my work (hopefully in chronological order).

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