Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Time Killing

So I don't think I'll actually write much today and most of my stuff in this post will just be copy and pasted poems. Here you go:


Why is it that I long for your touch?
Why is it that I love you so much?
I never thought that I could feel something like this for you,
Because you were always just another person that came out of the blue,
How was it that you became so special to me?
So special that it was always you I wanted to see,
You just suddenly stood out among the rest,
Someone that I found to be the best,
Still, I don't know why I feel this way about you,
Maybe its because no one can make me smile like you do,
Theres no one clear reason why you are special to me,
Maybe as I continue to be your friend I'll see,
Why it is that you are so special to me,
And why I can't leave these feelings be,
Just another locked up regret,
Of something that I don't want to forget,
So I want to be more than friends with you,
And see if you feel the same way too,
Because I hope to feel your touch,
Because there is no one else that I love so much.

The End


I good enough to be the one for you?
I the one that shares the same feelings as you do?
I the one that you've been looking for?
I the one that can walk you home to your door?
I the one that you can go to?
So that I can be the one you can talk to,
Because...(Continue with "Because" before each line except the last)
I want to be the one to pick you up when you're down,
I want to be the one who can always change that frown,
I want to be the one who will always be there,
I want to be the one to show that you're the only one that I love for and care,
I want to be the kind of person who can protect you,
I want to become the kind of person that you can always turn to,
I want to be a person that is worthy of you,
So that I won't have to know through words that you share the same feelings as I do,

The End

Trust & Faith

Why is it that I'll never stop believing in you?
Is it because you were the only one I could be true to?
Though you left without a single word to me,
Why is it that I can't just let these feelings be?
I could have just easily let these feelings disappear,
But there was always something that kept them near,
Why is it that you're the only one I can't forget?
Why is it you that I can only picture you and me as a set?
Why is it that there was always something I could share?
Why is it that you were so special that I couldn't even care,
Whether I was embarrassed, scared, or in shame,
Whether I felt happiness, anger or pain,
But you just left and all I could do was cry,
That was all I could do because I never got a chance to say goodbye,
People just keep saying you left me for some other guy,
But no matter what I can't accept that unless I know why,
Did I betray you without knowing?
Did I keep your tears ever flowing?
Did you run to hide this pain from me?
So that there was nothing for me to see,
Or did you feel like you took advantage of me?
Was it something so bad that you'll always feel guilty?
Please I need to know the reason for why you left,
Because not knowing only leaves a heavy burden on my chest,
I only hope that you have no feelings of regret,
And that I can be a person that you will never forget,
But I'll always be here to wait,
Without any feelings of anger or hate,
Because I'll always be the same guy that believes in you,
Because you were the one that I could always be true to,

The End

Why is it so hard to say goodbye?

Do you ever wonder why its so hard to say goodbye?
Do you ever wonder why the only thing you can do is cry?
Do you ever wonder if you'll ever see that person again?
Do you ever wonder if the time you spend with someone will never end?
Do you ever wish to be with that person forever?
Do you ever wish to always be together?
Do you ever wish that you'll never be forgotten?
Do you ever wish that you'll never be abandoned?
Because those are always the reasons why,
Even as time always passes by,
That its never easy saying goodbye,
And that all I can ever do is cry,

The End


As the days fly by past me,
I stop to take a look at what I see,
I see my friends enjoying the time they spend,
I see this knowing that soon this time will end,
We will all go our seperate ways,
As we grow older in these coming days,
I stop to think about what I could have done,
I stop to picture how things might've gone,
If I were a different person,
If I had to the chance to start over again,
But things just don't go that way,
Regret fills in these words I say,
But I know its a time that must eventually come,
I only wish that I can do everything I wanted to before this is done,
To be there for my friends as long as I can be,
To do what I've set out to do so they can see,
I have no feelings of regret,
So that I can be a friend they won't forget,
Because as long as they remember me,
I won't ever have to stop and take a look to see,
And leave them something to see,
Something for them to cherish about me,

The End


Is this the world we want for tommorow?
A world where theres no room for grief and sorrow?
A world where the hope of the future die young,
A world where the people only get one chance and they're done?
A world where a kid can die just when his life is about to begin,
A world where he dies in a short life without committing a sin?
A world where people remain ignorant in silence,
A world where peace is an impossible existence,
So have we closed off our hearts to the light?
Have we ignored doing what we know is right?
Because this is the world we are all growing up in,
A world where the realities are covered up with a grin,
Of the "happy" lives we all live,
Because all we do is take and never give,
So, has this world has become insane?
Has it become so numb it can't feel anymore pain?
We treat every death like its the same,
All we do is find someone to burden the blame,
Does this world not feel any shame?
Or have we let all our emotions go down the drain?
Death has become nothing more than game,
In this world that has gone insane,

The End


I place out my hand trying to reach for you,
But all I can see is you disappearing into the blue,
I call out your name,
But things still stay the same,
You're back is turned to me,
I'm scared of what I might see,
A face full of pain and regret,
A face thats just wishing to forget,
Because of a simple mistake I made,
You're willing to let things just slip away and fade,
Because of my foolishness,
I have left you in sadness,
As I stand in the rain,
It is only now I feel your pain,
And now it is me who is full of regret,
So much that I don't want you to forget,
And so I reach out my hand for you,
So that you won't disappear into the blue,
And I will race after you so that you can see,
How much you still mean to me,

The End

Actually I came up with a pretty nice analogy (at least I think it is) so I'll share it; however, I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to express my analogy in a proper manner.

Peace, Faith, Trust and Love are all like the surface of a lake. The surface of the lake represents the four abstract concepts and like those concepts it can be destroyed, disturbed and disrupted easily. A single action can send ripples destroying that the smooth calm surface of the lake much like how a single action can turn peace into war, faith into doubt, trust into betrayal and love into hate. Now no one wants to leave it at that and everyone wants things to go back to the way they were but you can't make a water's surface still. No matter how much you struggle to still the water through your own actions it will never happen. The same can be said for peace, faith, trust and love. You cannot force peace into your life, you cannot force yourself to have faith in someone, you cannot force yourself to trust someone who has betrayed you and last of all you cannot for yourself to love someone. What you can do is wait for the ripples to calm and for the surface of the lake to go back into its state of calm and stillness. The same goes for four concepts. Peace will always come back into your life on its own, faith will return to your soul, trust will naturally grow for others and love is something that will find you no matter what.

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