Sunday, March 1, 2009

Short Entry - New Poem

Work At It

I'm not the greatest guy,
I come off as quiet and shy,
But talking to you helps me get by,
That's just the simple truth, no lie,
Right now I'm just weak,
With an outlook that is bleak,
But I'm trying to turn the cheek,
To that brighter day I seek,
So I let these words set sail,
On these waters that is my tale,
And although I may fail,
Or just give up and bail,
And though I'm dense and clumsy,
That's just me,
My fallible personality,
And that's who you'll see,
But I'll try to work at it,
Starting bit by bit,
And though I may stumble upon pits,
You're that person that makes it worth it,

The End

- Paolo Miguel Maquiraya 01/03/09

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