Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Just another poetry entry


Time passes me by,
As I just sit here and lie,
Quiet and still as I try,
To write down whats on my mind,
I just don't know anymore,
Ahead are just closing doors,
Running towards them my legs feel sore,
Short on time with few options to explore,
Short on time to look back,
Time running out, mind losing track,
Not an observation, just a simple fact,
Of matters concerning my life that seem to detract,
Any feelings of happiness to be felt,
Walls of ice around my heart refuse to melt,
Enclosing myself further into this shell,
Thinking to myself, "I might as well,
Just give up on myself as I am nothing,
Simply put I am nothing,
Never have been anything,
Never will be anything",
Yet within those depressing lines,
There will be people that will find,
This is just a simple impulse of the mind,
And will tell me the sun really does shine,
Whether the words become true,
There is a power in words and what they can do,
Whether they be lies I can see through,
Or a blind truth I'm unable to see from you,

The End

- Paolo Miguel Maquiraya 10/03/09

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