Thursday, March 12, 2009

2 New short poems to add

Days of Surrender

There was a feeling inside us so tender,
Memories rise, causing us to remember,
Those days we chose to surrender,
Hearts to those of the opposite gender,
So surely we held happiness in our grasp,
So surely we felt we were up to the task,
Days of sadness and despair were merely a mask,
As we stood here with bated breath withholding a gasp,
For many days we stood strong,
Feeling these days would go on and on,
Any negative feelings simply didn't belong,
But those days of Surrender are now long and gone,

The End


Fulfilling Love

When worst comes to worst,
It's you I turn to first,
Your love quenches my thirst,
Causing my heart to feel like it will burst,
There are no bounds to what you do,
Your words will forever ring true,
Their depth deeper than the sea so blue,
And who I want to be with is you,

The End

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